Wednesday, September 10, 2008

a snapshot

setting: just now, in the living room, while the baby naps in the bedroom. the boy is wearing nothing but underwear, i'm in my pyjamas.

me: what do you want to do today?

the boy: make pickles.

me: what else?

the boy: go produce shopping.

this summer i've taken the kid to farmer's markets, farms, organic gardens, and our backyard garden. everywhere we've gone we've gotten delicious foods that he has 'helped' me process: pickling cucumbers, jamming fruit, blanching, cutting and freezing corn, turning veggies into soups, eating them raw... he's only two but he can do the urban homesteading thing like nobody's business. he has trouble pulling up his underwear on his own, but he understands canning.
what a kid.

(and no, i'm not taking him to ogle carrots and cabbages today. we're going to see the doctor. what could be more fun?!!?)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, it sounds like he has had a very nice summer! too bad it was a doctor's visit day!
